Jeff Williams, an old colleague of mine at Accenture, and I will be guests on a webinar on June 3, 2010. The webinar will be run by CFO magazine and sponsored by SpringCM. SpringCM is a cloud-based content management solution headquartered here in Chicago.

Jeff and I will get quizzed regarding our views on the content management space.  This area remains of great interest to Jeff and I as we both drove a lot of work in back office processes in our careers. We’re still seeing a lot of bad processes in businesses. Some of this is due to rushed mergers, over-reliance on spreadsheets, etc. to solve problems. But, sadly, we’re still seeing a lot of talented individuals in all manner of companies struggling with error correction activities, fighting fraud and other fire-fighting activities when they should be doing something far more strategic for their employers and their careers.

Last week, in preparation for this, Jeff and I did a conference call. We’ll likely discuss:

– how prevalent document and process problems still are in many businesses

– how expensive these problems can be

– what the range of solutions are in the marketplace

– the upside some companies reap with better content solutions

– how the cloud (i.e., software as a service) brings better economics to this space

– and whatever else the folks at CFO want us to discuss

If you’d like to listen, there’s no fee but you’ll need to register on CFO magazine’s site:

I hope a few of you can make it


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