Where Professional Services Automation/Project Portfolio Management Solutions Must Go
We recently developed a 10 page report on the future of the PSA/PPM space. This report is available at no charge for a limited time to those who send a valid business email to: or submit a request using our request form page.
The document overview states:
“A new generation of professional services automation (PSA) and project portfolio management (PPM) customers are entering the software buying market. While these new customers may be enthralled with current offerings in these respective spaces, existing buyers want more. The question for PSA/PPM vendors is “Where should these products extend their functionality?”
Talent issues may become a major innovation focus for PSA and PPM vendors. Innovation in the PSA/PPM space must continue and addressing these issues may be a good direction for these people-intensive sectors to pursue.
In this report, we examine the upcoming collision between PSA/PPM vendors and software firms in other sectors. We also look at the increasing difficulties in acquiring and retaining quality service workers and the technologies needed to support same.”