A Flurry of New Reports Coming Soon
We recently attended HR Week in New York City and met with executives from a number of HR and HR Services providers at that conference. Specifically, we had in-depth discussions with:
Veritude – Kate Donovan and Laura Cleveland – We will update our Fall 2007 report on Veritude. They’ve recently scored a big win and are moving in some new directions.
Kenexa – Phil Stewart and Brandt Hamby – They’ve acquired StraightSource recently and advised us of additional announcements. We’ll prepare a new report on Kenexa after next week’s analyst event.
Workscape – Daryl Ashley, Tony Marzulli, Marc Moschetto – Workscape’s succession planning products and benefits outsourcing offerings dominated our conversation. An update report will be developed.
Emportal – David Lee – We re-connected with David and discovered that Emportal’s secured several new clients. We’ll update our report on them.
FutureStep – Bill Gilbert, Kelly Cartwright – Great first meeting and a solid RPO briefing. New report to be issued.
Salary.com – Elle Hoxie – Salary.com is clearly busting out from being a data-driven solution. New report to be issued.
Varicent – Brian Hartlen – Varicent’s laying claim to the Sales Performance Management space. New report to be issued.