Can We Talk?

Recent Events and the Economy Have You Second-Guessing IT Contracts?

A lot of service firms would like to chat with you about your integrators and outsourcers. They want to know if they can have some of that business. Some of their efforts are premature, some of it self-serving and some of it is fear mongering. We don’t doubt that their are problems out there. We beleive you need a solid risk assessment/management plan before you leap into bed with another service provider.

The economy presents some other opportunities for service buyers. With utilization and backlog dropping in many service firms, deals can be had now for the savvy services buyer.

Take a minute and click on the attached pdf.the 2009 Services Market – An Opportunity or Risk Nightmare?

Can We Talk 

If you’d like to chat about the opportunities and risks your firm faces with its third party service providers, give us a ring at: .

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